
  • yle=color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38); f>影坛著名的喜剧搭档金怀德和李察普莱尔两人再度携手合作。乔治(吉恩·…
  • 科林·法瑞尔将主演BBC迷你剧《北方海域》,安德鲁·海格(《45周年》《赛马皮特》《周末时光》)执导,共4集,计划…
  • 《银翼杀手》出动画了!Adult Swim(《瑞克和莫蒂》)宣布将推出《银翼杀手——黑莲花》(Blade Runner — …
  • 重启剧《夏威夷神探 Magnum P.I.》风格上类似《天堂执法者 Hawaii Five-0》,背景同样设在夏威夷,不过主角们是私…
  • 世界水域的安全与航行自由日益受到严峻挑战,海军航空兵是制胜的关键。置身于最大的跨国海上演习RIMPAC(环太平洋…
  • A mad scientist grandfather invents a genetic transformation machine and his 4 year old grandson accidenta…
  • 家住美国德州的罗兰·夏普(汤米·里·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)是一名为人古板、对工作及其专注负责的警察。他…
  • A teacher's world is torn apart when his wife and children are brutally murdered at the hands of a ruthles…
  • Behind the scenes on fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh's shoot for the February 2016 W Magazine's annua…
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