
  • 隶属试剂盒科技公司的生物工程科学家赫伯特(DavidStaszko饰)在深入伯利兹雨林考察期间遭遇神形硕大的杀人蜂,旋…
  • 该片在印度国内以3D形式上映。烟火工纳尼(纳尼 Nani 饰)暗恋对楼的女孩缤杜(萨曼莎·鲁斯·帕布 Samanth…
  • A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human traffickin…
  • Yuki, nine years old, learns that her parents are separating. Her father is French, and her mother is Japa…
  • 劳拉·祖尼加是一个墨西哥的女模特,年轻的她正在积极准备选美比赛,因为这是她改变自己生活和命运的机会。可是在…
  • 午夜时分,寒冷昏暗的酒吧内,三个不眠之人:肉贩子、妓女、钢琴调音师凑到了一起。为打法无聊的夜晚,他们开始聊…
  • A boy and his friends seek to join a mid-atlantic gang led by the boy's estranged father, unaware th...
  • Batch '81 follows the experiences of seven neophytes who are seeking acceptance into the Alpha Kappi...
  • 英国军方一艘绝密的间谍船在希腊发生了爆炸,船上有一个威力无比的发射机(据说它可以使整个北极星飞弹系统全部报…
  •   在被核磁共振成像仪电击后,一位雄心勃勃的年轻医学生开始听到别人的想法。
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