
  •   奶奶的家人想让奶奶死,只要奶奶死了他们便可以分割遗产。但是奶奶在死前,喝下一瓶能让人拥有永恒生命的药水…
  •   A twelve-year-old girl befriends a quirky teenage mermaid who's anything but…
  • <p>  受经济危机影响,经营迪斯科的外山正道(绪形拳 饰)欠下黑帮野崎组巨额贷款。其妻(多岐川裕美 饰…
  •   十六岁的伊华,跟她的猫一样躁动抓狂。她愈来愈受不了同住的母亲和妹妹,更想亲近已分居的父亲。然而她的艺术…
  •   奈莉总是感觉体内有股奇怪力量,让她在学校格格不入,父亲只好暑假时把奈莉送到舅舅家,奈莉却发现舅舅的庄园…
  • A young couple travelling down the freeway seem to be unable to get off the road after being hunted by som…
  • 风景秀丽的海滨小镇汉普顿,是一个为蔚蓝大海所包围的权贵聚集区。觥筹交错,纸醉金迷,莺歌燕语,上流社会的人们…
  • In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to…
  • A gripping tale of an investigation and a family which is threatened by it. Will Vijay Salgaonkar be able …
  • A broken man finds the one thing he can't live without only to lose it. He can't bring back the woman he l…
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