
  • No water. No power. No explanation. No escape.
  • Grace is a Chinese American who longs to be a part of New York's high society. At a socialite event, she i…
  • Shortly after a chemical weapon explosion in the Nevada desert, two scientists find themselves confronting…
  • 该剧由两个女主角:生长在台湾本土中医世家的李念念,工作上面临瓶颈,爱情也出现了问题,为了改变现状,她决定去…
  • 马莱伊不情愿地嫁给了拥有一栋新房子的朗·维萨恩,却没有意识到他是同性恋。这是爱情悲剧故事的开始。 Malaai…
  • 活了500多年的美麗吸血鬼「蘭」,像個普通人一樣的生活:經營一家小小的美妝造型工作室、平日以動物血液維生,試…
  • 年幼时因为爸爸的暴行而导致双耳失聪的圣彩,现在在帮别人整理乐谱打零工。一次在旁观大提琴合奏彩排后回家的路上…
  •   A woman is afflicted with an unusual condition; she cries all the time, at t…
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