
  •   In the spring of 1945 a train deporting hundreds of Jewish prisoners gets st…
  •   When Nicole Atkins returns to graduate school, a previous affair with a marr…
  • <p>  邪恶总在黑暗中复苏。在一个红月之夜,吸毒且患有精神病的查尔斯在床前给他的姐妹讲述了两个故事:…
  •   Inspired by true events, the Barracuda Queens are a group of disaffected tee…
  •   Goes behind the scenes and onto the pitch of the groundbreaking Los Angeles-…
  • 四个狂爱卡丁车的孩子收到了神秘的邀请,要到古老的城堡中参赛,但条件是每个人之间不仅要相互信任,更要抛弃原有…
  • Hannes is an old man who has grown apart from his children. Recently retired when his wife gets ill he tri…
  • 九岁的安娜和家人居住在柏林,1933年到来,一切都开始发生了变化,在她四周,一个陌生人的画像开始挂满在大街小巷…
  • 娜塔莉·斯坦丈夫具备众多恶习,正当其准备离婚协议之时,意外收到一张写有DARD的血书,接着她的爱犬失踪,丈夫说…
  • 本片以新年夜最后一列从巴塞罗那开往马德里的火车为背景,讲述了在列车因故障停在半道上,一位老年乘客又意外离世…
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