
  • 讲述处男Almond请求三位室友Latte、Tanwa和Peak帮忙交往对象,如果他们中的一个设法把他和他喜欢的人联系上,他将…
  •   A bus named Anbu narrates the stories of its 24 passengers, giving a glimpse…
  •   When her husband finds himself unemployed and emasculated, pressure mounts o…
  • 女主角Wynonna Earp 由Melanie Scrofano饰演,是Wyatt Earp的曾孙女,是个机智﹑狂野的现代枪手,她用自己的独特…
  • A dangerous game, full of traps. A dispute of power, money and desire. On one side of the board, delegate …
  • Alan Binder is a skillful hostage negotiator, the best in Mexico, who will soon face the most crucial case…
  •   这是一部具有奇幻元素的电影,故事发生在1996年的夏天,在阿拉戈斯海岸,塔玛拉在她居住的渔村度过了最后几周…
  •   侦探艾索·福里(艾迪·墨菲饰)回到了比佛利山庄。在女儿的生命受到威胁后,她(泰勒·佩姬饰)和福里与新搭…
  • 活在曼谷最底层,看不见明天的一代,青春比猛火嚣张,渴望爱但无从爱。高中女生愈来愈抗拒跟流莺母亲同住,向啦啦…
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