
  •   based on a true story. 1996, open sea. During his shift on a transatlantic s…
  •   A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an in…
  •   based on the best selling novel from by Sylvain Reynard.
  • 比佛利山的多栋豪宅都是由毛里西奥·乌曼斯基的家族企业“爱诚思房屋”代销,但在这里的每个角落,天天都有夸张场…
  • 暂无简介
  • 影片改编自苏珊·斯卡夫·梅瑞尔小说,背景设置在上世纪60年代,讲述了一对年轻夫妇(勒曼、杨饰)搬去与美国哥特惊…
  • SIJJIN, kisAh tentang 5 malam penuh teror mematikan. Santet yang dikirim oleh sepupu sendiri yang ingin me…
  • 钦奈市生活在对变态杀手的恐惧之中。在阿琼和安德鲁加入之前,人们对警察的信心逐渐减弱。有着黑暗过去的阿琼揭开…
  • As she nears the end of her pregnancy, Itto and her in-laws find their lives turned upside down by a super…
  •   英国菲律宾裔新秀导演派瑞斯札西亚一鸣惊人获得SXSW影展评审团大奖和代表最佳首作雷鸟新星奖的《邪厄恩典》,…
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